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Chiropractic Adjustments Shown to Be Effective and Less Expensive Than Epidural during Treatment of Herniated Disc Diagnosis

Relief of Slipped Disc in Depew

Herniated discs have bothered numerous patients that have visited our Depew practice. Fortunately, Dr. Palmer has assisted plenty of them rebound swiftly and more completely. Herniated discs, or "slipped discs", can be treated with multiple approaches.

If you are feeling irritation due to a herniated disc, then you are likely asking which option may provide the best outcome for you. To support you in fielding that search, let's review two of the most frequently used treatment options: chiropractic and epidural.

A Study Analyzing Improvements from Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) and Nerve Root Injections (NRI)

A body of researchers from Switzerland recruited 102 participants, all having had chronically herniated discs validated by medical imaging. Every person picked had already undergone three months of care via alternatively applicable remedies without achieving significant improvement.

The body of participants was divided into two groups. The first half of the patients were treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation treatment (chiropractic adjustments). The second half of participants were treated with nerve root injections (epidural).

The researchers collected ratings regarding the pain levels of every individual prior to the remedy provided amid the study. Then, one month following the receiving of treatment, cohorts reported their disc herniation pain on the same range as previously. The change in the two ratings was applied to determine how successful the remedy may have been for improving discomfort.

What did the researchers find about chiropractic adjustments against nerve root injections?

Just over 76% of the participants who were treated with chiropractic care scored a decrease in their pain. On the other hand, less than 63% of the individuals who were provided epidurals scored a minimization in discomfort. These figures offer that chiropractic adjustments could possibly be more successful for caring for to remediate herniated disc pain.

Plus, there is more. In addition to giving a larger quantity of cohorts greatly appreciated pain relief, researchers also found that chiropractic treatment was more cost-effective. The nerve root injection treatments cost about $730 per each participant. Chiropractic treatment ran just under $560 for an equal period of time. This type of savings could surely assist with your medical expenses. Spending less can make it more conceivable to pursue treatment for your disc herniation pain without additional worry.

If you would like a greater probability of pain relief and lesser expenses when it comes to your herniated disc care, give Dr. Palmer a call today at (716) 668-2225 to schedule an appointment.


Peterson, CK et al. (2013, May). Symptomatic magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed lumbar disk herniation patients: a comparative effectiveness prospective observational study of 2 age-and sex-matched cohorts treated with either high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy or image-guided lumbar nerve root injections. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 36(4), 218-225, doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.04.005

October 06, 2022
Dr. Palmer

At Buffalo Chiropractic Center, we are devoted to helping you feel better and keeping you healthy. We offer a variety of safe and gentle treatment options that are designed for each patient’s unique needs and goals.

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