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Auto Injury Air Bags Depew NY

Auto Injuries Caused By Air Bags in Depew, NYAn air bag can certainly be a cushion when you’re in a car accident and prevent you from developing greater injuries than you’d have without it. However, air bags are also the cause of a number of common auto injuries treated by your Depew chiropractor, Dr. Palmer.

For example, an auto injury from an airbag could be:


  • Trauma to the face
  • Injury to the temporomandibular joint 
  • Decapitation
  • Cervical spine fractures
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the head and neck
  • Muscle damage to the neck
  • Eye injuries (fracture of the bones surrounding the eye, retinal detachment, lens rupture, chemical injuries from chemicals used in the air bag)
  • Rib fractures
  • Lung puncture
  • Heart rupture or valve injury
  • Abdominal injuries
  • Injuries to the thoracic and lumbar spine
  • Fractured clavicle (collarbone)
  • Dislocated shoulder or fractures of the arm
  • Damage to the acoustic apparatus of the ears
  • Premature rupture of the membranes in pregnancy
  • Burns

When you compare an auto injury rate of when air bags deployed compared to when they didn’t deploy, the ones with the air bags involved more brain injuries and less skull fractures.  You’ll also find an increase in chest injuries with the airbags.

The point is that an auto injury can occur not only from your car hitting another car but also from what happens inside your car at the time of the accident. 

Just because an auto injury occurs as a result of an air bag, you still have to heal. You’re still going to need the stimulus for healing – and that starts with the nerve input branching from the spinal column to the injured tissue or organ.  That stimulus for healing can be initiated with chiropractic adjustments delivered by your Depew chiropractor, Dr. Palmer.

If you live in West Seneca, Depew, Lancaster, or Cheektowaga and are suffering from an auto injury, call Buffalo Chiropractic Center to experience how chiropractic can make a difference your healing today. 



Wallis, L.A. and Greaves, I. Injuries associated with airbag deployment. Review. Emergency Medicine Journal 2002;19:490-493.  

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