As we get older, many of us begin to develop problems with dizziness and balance. Some research shows that as many as 30% of older adults experience these symptoms. This is a serious public health issue, as problems with balance can make us more susceptible to falls.
A new study examined data from the 2008 National Health Interview Survey, looking specifically at those respondents who were suffering from dizziness and balance issues. They found that 35% of patients of the patients reporting these symptoms were over 65. The authors then analyze the survey data to see what kind of professional help the patients sought and how successful it was. They found:
The authors speculate that most dizziness and balance problems in older people are caused by neck dysfunction; this is known as cervicogenic dizziness, and is common after an injury or auto collision. Chiropractic helps restore the normal function of the spine after these types of injuries, and can help relieve dizziness and improve balance.
Chiropractic is a superior treatment for dizziness and balance problems in older patients, as it doesn’t involve the risks involved with medications or surgery.
Ndetan H, Hawk C, Sekhon VK, Chiusano M. The role of chiropractic care in the treatment of dizziness or balance disorders: analysis of National Health Interview Survey data. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 2015;Sep 11; pii: 2156587215604974.
Dr. Palmer
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